Simulation depicting the response of motoneuron output (HN, cVN, PN, AbN, and tSN) to the activation of the peripheral chemoreflex (A) and the motoneuron response during suppression of RTN (B). (A) During activation of peripheral chemoreflex, network frequency increases; post-inspiratory activity appears in HN, AbN, and tSN motor nerves, and post-inspiratory activity in cVN increases in amplitude. Late expiratory activity appears in HN, AbN, and tSN. (B) The suppression of the RTN abolishes late-expiratory activity in HN, AbN, and tSN but has little effect on post-I activity. The interval highlighted in yellow corresponds to the duration over which the peripheral chemoreflex is stimulated. Baseline activity of PN is highlighted in grey to emphasize the difference in frequency in the control model and the model with RTN suppressed before the peripheral chemoreflex stimulation.