This figure depicts the results of one-way sensitivity analyses on the cumulative lifetime risk of symptomatic OA (A, horizontal axis) and total knee replacement (B, horizontal axis) in a cohort that had a treated ACL tear at baseline, but no concomitant meniscal tear (Surgically Treated ACL Tear without MT Cohort). The model parameters that were varied are listed on the vertical axis and include: the direct impact of an ACL tear on the incidence of knee OA, the direct impact of a meniscal tear on the incidence of knee OA, the yearly incidence rate of meniscal tears and additionally for TKR risk, the impact of an ACL tear on OA progression and the impact of a meniscal tear on OA progression. The horizontal bars indicate how changes in model input assumptions impact either OA risk or TKR, compared to the base case assumptions which are noted by the vertical dashed lines.