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. 2016 Nov 15;12:60–64. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2016.11.006

Table 2.

Comparison cases and controls in the propensity-matched sample of major abdominal and pelvic procedures. aSeverity of illness as defined in this database: All Patient Refined DRG-Severity of Illness Subclass (APRDRG-Severity), 1 = Minor loss of function, includes cases with no comorbidity or complications, 2 = Moderate loss of function, 3 = Major loss of function and 4 = Extreme loss of function]. Frequency and percentage are used for discrete variables. Mean and standard deviation are used for continuous variables.

Characteristics Propensity-matched data set (Abdominal and pelvic major procedures)
Cases (n = 1144) Controls (n = 1144) p value
Age, mean (SD), year 52.62(18.54) 53.08(18.95) 0.552
Female gender 763(66.70) 801(70.02) 0.096
Race/ethnicity White 628(54.86) 605(52.88) 0.707
Black 130(11.36) 121(10.58)
Hispanic 115(10.05) 142(12.41)
Other/unknown 272(23.73) 276(22.13)
Severity of illnessa 1 287(25.09) 287(25.09) 0.982
2 423(36.98) 375(32.78)
3 277(24.21) 324(28.32)
4 157(13.72) 158(13.81)
Obesity Yes 120(10.49) 131(11.45) 0.504
No 1024(89.51) 1013(88.55)
Morbid obesity Yes 73(6.38) 59(5.16) 0.244
No 1071(93.62) 1085(94.84)
Procedure urgency Elective 582(51.05) 422(37.02) <0.001
Non-elective 558(48.95) 718(62.98)
Teaching hospital Yes 600(52.86) 577(50.93) 0.378
No 535(47.14) 556(49.07)
Hospital location Rural 136(11.98) 101(8.91) 0.019
Urban 999(88.02) 1032(91.09)
Hospital RN percentage, mean (SD) 93.29(6.23) 93.77(6.75) 0.089
Hospital ownership Public 138(15.32) 118(13.11) 0.439
Private (none-for-profit) 651(72.25) 664(73.78)
Private 112(12.43) 118(13.11)
Hospital bedsize Small 120(10.57) 120(10.59) 0.495
Medium 278(24.49) 256(22.59)
Large 737(64.93) 757(66.81)
Health insurance Medicare 369(32.26) 384(33.71) 0.541
Medicaid 177(15.47) 159(13.96)
Private 498(43.53) 490(43.02)
Other/unknown 100(8.74) 111(9.31)
Year of admission 2007 234(20.45) 233(20.37) 0.999
2008 243(21.24) 195(17.05)
2009 209(18.27) 295(25.79)
2010 221(19.32) 183(16.00)
2011 237(20.72) 238(20.80)