Table 1.
Description of imported ZIKV infection cases in the Netherlands, November 2015–February 2016 (n = 18)
Sex/age (years) | Country of birth | Date of symptom onset | Date of laboratory confirmation | Laboratory results CHIKV and DENV | Country of acquisition | Travel purpose | Symptoms | Complications | Blood abnormalities | Time to resolution (days) |
M/61 | SU | 9 Dec 2015 | 11 Dec 2015 | Not tested | SU | VFR/holiday | Itching rash, muscle ache, arthralgia | No | Leucopenia, atypical lymphocytes | 2 |
F/54 | SU | 23 Dec 2015 | 30 Dec 2015 | CHIKV neg DENV not tested |
SU | VFR | Fever, itching rash, headache, oedema | No | Elevated liver enzymes; ASAT 32 U/L, LDH 257 U/L | >14 |
F/31 | SU | 21 Jan 2016 | 23 Jan 2016 | CHIKV neg DENV IgG pos, IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | VFR/holiday | Rash, headache, arthralgia | No | Elevated liver enzymes; γ-GT 39 U/L | 7 |
F/60 | SU | 8 Jan 2016 | 14 Jan 2016 | CHIKV neg DENV IgG pos, IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | VFR/holiday | Fever, arthralgia | Yes, GBS | Elevated liver enzymes; AF 128 U/L, ALAT 69 U/L, ASAT 89 U/L, LDH 366 U/L | Unknown |
F/33 | NL | 9 Jan 2016 | 11 Jan 2016 | CHIKV qRT-PCR neg, serology pending, DENV IgG borderline, IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | VFR | Fever, itching rash, conjunctivitis, headache, muscle ache, arthralgia | No | Leucopenia | 10 |
F/46 | NL | 5 Dec 2015 | 9 Dec 2015 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Holiday | Itching rash, conjunctivitis, headache, arthralgia, oedema | No | Yes, lymphopenia, atypical lymphocytes, elevated liver enzymes: LDH 297 U/L | 28 |
M/47 | NL | 8 Dec 2015 | 17 Dec 2015 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV IgG pos, IgM weak pos, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Work | Fever, itching rash, conjunctivitis, arthralgia, muscle ache | No | Yes, atypical lymphocytes | 21 |
F/53 | NL | 27 Dec 2015 | 30 Dec 2015 | CHIKV n.a., DENV NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Holiday | Fever, rash, conjunctivitis, headache, muscle ache, oedema | No | Yes, leucopenia, lymphopenia | 14 |
M/8 | NL | 3 Feb 2016 | 4 Feb 2016 | CHIKV n.a., DENV IgG/IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
DO | VFR/holiday | Fever, rash, headache | No | Yes, leucopenia | 10 |
F/61 | NL | 27 Nov 2015 | 1 Dec 2015 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV IgG neg, IgM weak pos, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Holiday | Itching rash, conjunctivitis, arthralgia | No | Yes, atypical lymphocytes | 28 |
F/54 | SU | 17 Jan 2016 | 19 Jan 2016 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg DENV IgG neg, IgM weak pos, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Holiday | Fever, itching rash, conjunctivitis, arthralgia, oedema | Yes, thrombocytopenia | Yes, leucopenia, lymphopenia, atypical lymphocytes | 28 |
F/56 | SU | 24 Dec 2015 | 30 Dec 2015 | CHIKV n.a., DENV n.a. |
SU | Holiday | Fever, rash, arthralgia, muscle ache, oedema | No | Yes, atypical lymphocytes | 56 |
M/59 | Unknown | 24 Dec 2015 | 30 Dec 2015 | CHIKV n.a., DENV n.a. |
SU | Holiday | Fever, itching rash, conjunctivitis | No | Atypical lymphocytes | 7 |
F/61 | Unknown | 4 Feb 2016 | 10 Feb 2016 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV IgG/IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Holiday | Fever, rash, conjunctivitis, arthralgia | No | Lymphopenia | Unknown |
F/60 | NL | 28 Nov 2015 | 2 Dec 2015 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV IgG/IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | Holiday | Fever, itching rash, arthralgia, muscle ache, oedema | No | Elevated liver enzymes: LDH 297 U/L | 14 |
M/54 | Unknown | 2 Dec 2015 | 10 Dec 2015 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV IgG/IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | VFR | Fever, rash, arthralgia, muscle ache | No | Leucopenia, lymphopenia, atypical lymphocytes | 14 |
M/40 | NL | 1 March 2016 | 3 March 2016 | Not tested | SU | VFR/holiday | Fever, itching rash, muscle ache | No | Not measured | 7 |
F/40 | NL | 1 March 2016 | 3 March 2016 | CHIKV IgG/IgM neg, DENV IgG/IgM neg, NS1 ag test neg |
SU | VFR/holiday | Fever, itching rash, muscle ache, arthralgia, oedema | No | Leucopenia, atypical lymphocytes | Unknown |
M male, F female, CHIKV Chikungunya virus, DENV Dengue virus, SU Surinam, NL the Netherlands, DO Dominican Republic, NS1 ag test nonstructural protein 1 antigen test, neg negative, pos positive, qRT-PCR quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, VFR visiting friends and relatives, GBS, Guillain–Barré syndrome, ASAT aspartate amino transferase, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, γ-GT gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, AF alkaline phosphatase, ALAT alanine aminotransferase, U/L units per litre