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. 2016 Nov 23;54(12):2950–2955. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01579-16


Demographics of nonadmitted patients, grouped by respiratory pathogen PCR resultsa

Characteristic Value for group
Influenza virus detected Non-influenza virus pathogen detected No pathogen detected Total
Total no. (%) of patients included 105 (100) 109 (100) 81 (100) 295 (100)
No. (%) of patients of age (yr) at testing (NS)
    <40 24 (22.9) 19 (17.4) 13 (16) 56 (19)
    40–59 27 (25.7) 29 (26.6) 26 (32.1) 82 (27.8)
    60–79 42 (40) 55 (50.5) 34 (42) 131 (44.4)
    ≥80 12 (11.4) 6 (5.5) 8 (9.9) 26 (8.8)
No. (%) of patients with order location (NS)
    ED 55 (52.4) 66 (60.6) 45 (55.6) 166 (56.3)
    Outpatient 29 (27.6) 22 (20.2) 20 (24.7) 71 (24.1)
    Treatment room 21 (20) 21 (19.3) 16 (19.8) 58 (19.7)
Mean TAT (h) (SD)
    Clinical (NS) 3.2 (3.4) 3.4 (5.9) 3.1 (3.6) 3.2 (4.5)
    Intralaboratory (NS) 2.1 (2.0) 2.2 (4.5) 1.8 (0.7) 2.0 (3.0)
No. (%) of patients with influenza vaccine status (NS)
    Not reported 48 (45.7) 38 (34.9) 29 (35.8) 115 (39)
    Yes 57 (54.3) 71 (65.1) 52 (64.2) 180 (61)
No. (%) of patients with underlying lung disease (NS)
    COPD 12b (11.4) 12 (11) 16 (19.8) 40 (13.6)
    Asthma 8 (7.6) 9 (8.3) 4 (4.9) 21 (7.1)
    Otherc 1 (1) 2 (1.8) 4 (4.9) 7 (2.4)
    None 84 (80) 86 (78.9) 57 (70.4) 227 (76.9)
No. (%) of patients with immunosuppression status (NS)
    Yes 7 (6.7) 8 (7.3) 6 (7.4) 21 (7.1)
    No 98 (93.3) 101 (92.7) 75 (92.6) 274 (92.9)

Shown are demographics of all patients included for chart review. All categorical data were compared with a chi-squared test. TATs were compared via a Kruskal-Wallis test.


Two patients with both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer.


Other includes lung cancer and interstitial lung disease.