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. 2016 Oct 1;10(10):EC23–EC26. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/22470.8739


Comparison of positivity rates of ZN staining, modified Fite-Faraco and fluorescent stain with that of other studies.

Various Studies ZN Stain Fite-Faraco Procedure Fluorescence Method
No. of Positive Cases No. of Positive Cases No. of Positive Cases
Present study (2016) 26.7% (16/60) 31.7% (19/60) 43.3% (26/60 )
Jariwala et al., [16] (1979) - 40.0% (20/50) 44.0% (22/50)
Bhatia et al., [11] (1988) 67.8%(57/84) - 89.2% (75/84)
Lacordaire Lopes de Faria [17] (1974) - 86.6% (26/30) 33.3% (10/30)
Nayak SV et al., [9] (2003) - 44.64% (25/56) 69.64% (39/56)
Manandhar U et al., [21] (2013) NA 25% (18/72) NA
Shivamurthy V et al., [20] (2013) NA 23% (46/200) NA
Reja AHH et al., [6] (2013) 50.9% (84/165) 60% (99/165) -