Workflow for the generation of patient-specific 3D brain maps. (A) Typical data in one stimulation position showing changes in tremor in relation to the increasing stimulation amplitude [mA] (red curve), filtered acceleration data [g] (gray curve), clinical improvement relative to baseline, quantified by acceleration measurements in percentage values from 0 to 100% (mean value for each stimulation amplitude; black dotted line). (B) MR-WAIR sequence used for planning including manually outlined structures. (C) Patient-specific EF simulation visualized at isolevel 0.2 V/mm at the stimulation position for an amplitude of 1 mA (green circle) corresponding to 98.1% improvement. (D) Manually outlined structures: CM (red), VO (light blue), VIM (dark blue) and VCM (pink). (E) Brain map with superimposed EF isosurface (green). (F) Close up view of (E) with the structure volumes inside the EF isosurface indicated in orange.