(A) Comparison of the occurrences of the different thalamic brain structures (x-axis; each color represents one structure) with the corresponding clinical improvement evaluated by accelerometry (y-axis) for all simulations (n = 272). Structures appearing in a same simulation have identical clinical improvement and can in consequence be found on the same horizontal level. As an example, the horizontal line at an improvement of approximately 18% indicates that VIM, VCM, VCL, and FF/PLR were present inside a same EF isosurface. (B) Summary of the mean percentage volume included in the EF isosurfaces and the standard error of the mean for the different structures in the improvement range >50% and (C) in the improvement range ≤50%. ∗∗: Statistically significant difference between the results of the two improvement groups for a specific structure with p < 0.001. ∗: Statistically significant difference with p < 0.01.