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. 2016 Nov 24;33(1):13. doi: 10.1007/s11274-016-2177-2

Table 7.

The analysis of variance of optimization experimental design for loss of substrate mass by keratynolytic strains

ANOVA for response surface quadratic model
Source Sum of squares df Mean square F value p
Model 15,786.23 9 1754.026 62.19 <0.0001*
X1 0.22 1 0.22 0.008 0.930
X2 5037.98 1 1364.19 48.37 <0.0001*
X3 1591.25 1 5037.98 178.64 <0.0001*
X21 1364.19 1 2139.41 75.86 <0.0001*
X22 2139.41 1 1591.25 56.42 <0.0001*
X23 3738.37 1 3738.37 132.55 <0.0001*
X1X2 136.44 1 136.44 4.83 <0.0001*
X1X3 69.91 1 69.90 2.47 0.124
X2X3 3.68 1 3.68 0.13 0.720
Residual 987.06 35 28.20
Lack of fit 189.19 3 63.06
Pure error 797.87 32 24.93
Cor total 16,773.29 44

* Significant at 5% level; R 2 = 0.9411; Radj2 = 0.9260