Table 1. Characteristics of Selected Articles for Evaluating Associations of SP110 Gene Polymorphisms and TB Risk.
No. | Author | Country | Ethnicity | Study size | Type | SNPs included | Quality score* |
1 | Liang, et al.34 | China | Asian | 308/628 | PTB | rs11556887, rs9061, rs1135791 | 16 |
2 | Abhimanyu, et al.12† | India | Asian | 110/78 | PTB | rs11556887, rs9061, rs3948464, rs1346311, rs6436915, rs2114591 | 13 |
3 | Abhimanyu, et al.12 | India | Asian | 32/78 | LNTB | rs11556887, rs9061, rs1135791, rs1346311 | 12 |
4 | Cai, et al.18 | China | Asian | 702/452 | PTB | rs11556887, rs9061, rs1135791, rs3948464, rs11679983, rs1365776 | 16 |
5 | Png, et al.20 | Indonesia | Asian | 351/364 | PTB | rs9061, rs1135791, rs3948464, rs11679983, rs1365776, rs2114592, rs6436915, rs2114591 | 16 |
6 | Fox, et al.21† | Vietnam | Asian | 530/566 | PTB | rs11556887, rs1135791, rs3948464, rs1346311, rs1365776, rs2114592, rs6436915 | 16 |
7 | Fox, et al.21 | Vietnam | Asian | 133/566 | EPTB | rs11556887, rs1135791, rs3948464, rs1346311, rs1365776, rs2114592, rs6436915 | 15 |
8 | Babb, et al.35 | South Africa | African | 381/417 | PTB | rs1135791, rs3948464, rs1365776, rs2114592 | 13 |
9 | Cong, et al.19 | China | Asian | 100/106 | PTB | rs9061, rs1135791, rs3948464, rs11679983, rs722555 | 14 |
10 | Szeszko, et al.33 | Russia | European | 1912/2104 | PTB | rs11556887, rs3948464, rs1346311, rs11679983, rs1365776, rs722555 | 14 |
11 | Ying, et al.36 | China | Asian | 198/195 | PTB | rs1135791, rs722555 | 16 |
12 | Thye, et al.32 | West Africa | African | 1055/1409 | PTB | rs11556887, rs3948464, rs1346311, rs1365776, rs2114591 | 16 |
13 | Jiang, et al.22 | China | Asian | 424/424 | PTB | rs9061, rs1135791 | 16 |
PTB, pulmonary tuberculosis; EPTB, extra pulmonary tuberculosis; LNTB, lymph node tuberculosis; SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms; TB, tuberculosis; SP110, Speckled 110.
*Quality scores ranged from 0 points (worst) to 17 points (best), studies scoring more than 14 points were classified as high quality, †We treat the article as two independent studies on account of having data of two kinds of TB.