Survival rates and bacterial colonization in the gut after long term mono- or co-ingestions of strains SK1–4.
A, survival rates of w1118 flies after long term mono- or co-ingestion. Ingestion groups were as follows: PBS (n = 40) (crosses); SK1 (n = 48) (closed circles); SK2 (n = 54) (open circles); SK3 (n = 54) (closed triangles); SK4 (n = 54) (open triangles); mixture of SK1 and SK4 (n = 54) (closed squares); mixture of SK2 and SK4 (n = 54) (open squares). p values were calculated with the log-rank test. ***, p < 0.005. B, bacterial colonization ability in w1118 germ-free flies after 15 and 25 days of continuous mono-ingestion or co-ingestion. Box plots indicate the interquartile range (boxes) and the median (a horizontal line in each box); whiskers extend toward the minimum and maximum values. Each denominator and numerator of the fractions shows the number of all guts used for the experiments and the number of guts with bacteria growing on agarose plates, respectively. p values were calculated by the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.005; n.s, not significant.