Table 1.
The samples collected from HPV positive patients
Sample name | Age (years) | Pathology | Number of validated viral-cellular junctions |
S1-2 | 41 | SCC | 1 |
S2-25 | 45 | HSIL | 2 |
C3-64 | 45 | HSIL | 1 |
C4-77 | 32 | HSIL | 1 |
C5-87 | 49 | HSIL | 2 |
S6-95 | 48 | SCC | 1 |
C7-35 | 44 | Normal | 0 |
C8-7 | 51 | HSIL | 0 |
S9-10 | 38 | SCC | 0 |
S10-11 | 43 | SCC | 0 |
C11-60 | 28 | HSIL | 0 |
C12-67 | 42 | SCC | 0 |
C13-75 | 35 | LSIL | 0 |
HSIL: high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, LSIL: low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, SCC: squamous cell carcinoma. The sample ID, age of pateints, Pathology of patients and number of validated viral-cellular junctions in each sample were shown in column 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively