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. 2015 Jan-Mar;2(1):42–50. doi: 10.4103/2347-5625.146223

Table 5.

Association of the variables with the Pap smear findings (n = 250)

Demographic variable Normal Pre-cancerous lesion Abnormal cervix Unsatisfactory smear Chi square/Fisher exact test

n % n % n % n %
Age of Women, yrs
 20-25 11 19.0 1 16.7 14 7.9 2 25.0 χ2 = 21.392
P < 0.002***
df = 12
 26-30 15 25.9 1 16.7 28 15.7 1 12.5
 31-35 12 20.7 0 0.0 33 18.5 2 25.0
 36-40 13 22.4 1 16.7 45 25.3 3 37.5
 41-45 7 12.1 3 50.0 58 32.6 0 0.0
No. of births given (parity)
 Nil 3 5.2 0 0.0 2 1.1 1 12.5 χ2 = 13.988
P < 0.02**
df = 6
 1-2 41 70.7 3 50.0 97 54.5 4 50.0
 3 and above 14 24.1 3 50.0 79 44.4 3 37.5
Years after marriage
 1-10 21 36.2 1 16.7 46 25.8 3 37.5 χ2 = 22.805
P < 0.003***
df = 9
 11-20 28 48.3 1 16.7 59 33.1 5 62.5
 21-30 9 15.5 4 66.7 71 39.9 0 0.0
 31-40 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 1.1 0 0.0
Education of women
 Non-formal 19 32.8 2 33.3 79 44.4 1 12.5 χ2 = 21.273
P < 0.02**
df = 12
 Primary school 29 50.0 1 16.7 70 39.3 5 62.5
 Secondary 8 13.8 3 50.0 27 15.2 1 12.5
 College 1 1.7 0 0.0 2 1.1 1 12.5
 Professional 1 1.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Tobacco usage
 Yes 50 88.2 4 66.7 131 73.6 7 87.5 χ2 = 4.766
P < 0.02**
df = 6
 No 8 13.8 2 33.3 47 26.4 1 12.5
Type of sanitary napkin
 Commercial pad 32 55.2 2 33.3 80 44.9 3 37.5 χ2 = 37.833
P < 0.05**
df = 3
 Cloth 26 44.8 4 66.7 98 55.1 5 62.5
Temporary methods of family planning
 Birth pills 1 1.7 0 0.0 23 12.9 1 12.5 χ2 = 21.838
P < 0.03**
df = 12
 Copper T 6 10.3 1 16.7 13 7.3 2 25.0
 Calendar method 1 1.7 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 12.5
 Condom 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 2.2 0 0.0
 None 50 86.2 5 83.3 137 77.0 4 50.0
Vaginal douching after coitus
 Yes 46 79.3 5 83.3 111 62.4 7 87.5 χ2 = 10.938
P < 0.04**
df = 6
 No 10 17.2 1 16.7 59 33.1 0 0.0
 Not applicable 2 3.4 0 0.0 8 4.5 1 12.5
Frequency of Coitus
 Daily 4 6.9 0 0.0 6 3.4 0 0.0 χ2= 41.124
P < 0.04**
df = 12
 Weekly thrice 2 3.4 1 16.7 14 7.9 1 12.5
 Weekly twice 7 12.1 1 16.7 24 13.5 1 12.5
 Weekly once 15 25.9 1 16.7 42 23.6 2 25.0
 Once in a while 28 48.3 3 50.0 89 50.0 4 50.0
 Not applicable 2 3.4 0 0.0 3 1.7 0 0.0

***:Highly significant, **: Moderately significant