Fig. 5.
P2Y2R is involved in ATP- and HIF-dependent plMDCK cyst growth. Stably control-transfected plMDCK cells (shCtrl) and plMDCK cells stably deficient for P2Y2R (shP2Y2R#1 and shP2Y2R#2) were grown within a collagen I matrix in the presence of 10 μM forskolin to form cysts for 5 days. Additionally, medium was supplemented with either 10 μM ATP or 10 μM ICA. a Cyst volumes relative to control-tranfected cells incubated with control medium (Ctrl; set 100 %) were determined from seven individual experiments comprising the analysis of approximately 230–400 cysts per condition. b Representative cysts within the collagen matrix at day 5. Asterisk indicates comparison to non-treated control-transfected cysts. Section sign indicates comparison to ATP-treated control-transfected cysts. Number sign indicates comparison to ICA-treated control-transfected cysts