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. 2016 Nov 25;8:43. doi: 10.1186/s11689-016-9178-1

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics [mean (SD)] of children with ASD and typically developing (TD) children

ASD (n = 22) TD (n = 21) t p
Age (years) 12.72 (3.64) 11.67 (4.53) 0.719 0.401
 Range 7–18 years 4–18 years
Height (cm) 154.3 (24.45) 142.90 (23.09) 2.493 0.122
Weight (kg) 55.00 (27.54) 41.77 (20.88) 3.123 0.085
% malea 86.4% 85.7% 0.004 0.951
FSIQb 98.68 (17.15) 108.05 (14.29) 3.766 0.059
 Range 70–131 80–141
PIQ 103.45 (16.74) 104.24 (12.69) 0.030 0.864
 Range 72–132 80–129
VIQ 94.50 (18.01) 109.81 (15.26) 9.006 0.005**
 Range 64–129 85–129

FSIQ full-scale IQ, PIQ performance IQ, VIQ verbal IQ

Statistical significance at ** α = 0.01

aChi-square (χ 2) statistics

bFull-scale IQ shows marginal statistical significance