Figure 3.
Discovery of a gene set predictive of response to fulvestrant: A. Volcano plot of the gene-level tests of association with PFS. The log fold-change in hazard ratio for a 1-unit increase in expression levels is plotted against the nominal p-value from a multivariate Cox regression model. B. Heatmap of unsupervised clustering of tumors using the 37 genes in the predictive gene set. C. Kaplan – Meier curve for PFS comparing the two clusters. D. Oncomine Concepts Map analysis (Compendia Biosciences) was used to compare the 27 upregulated gene set of poor PFS to published gene signatures from primary breast tumors, and reveals statistically significant correlations between this gene set and gene expression signatures of breast tumors with poor outcomes. The association between molecular concepts of different gene signatures or gene sets is represented as a graph using Cytoscape (, in which a node represents a gene set and significantly associated sets (q ≤ 0.23) were connected by an edge.