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. 2016 Oct 5;5(2):187–201. doi: 10.1007/s40119-016-0071-5

Table 3.

Rates of complete or partial effectiveness at week 4 (LOCF)

DE after a meal Pantoprazole
Number of patients [n (%)] 59 (100.0) 58 (100.0)
Number (%) with complete or partial effectivenessa 40 (67.8) 50 (86.2)
 95% CI (%)b (54.4, 79.4) (74.6, 93.9)
Comparison versus DE after a meal
 Estimate 18.41
 95% CI (%)b (0.71, 35.98)
 p valuec 0.0273

CI confidence interval, DE dabigatran etexilate, GIS gastrointestinal symptom, LOCF last observation carried forward

aComplete effectiveness is defined as all primary GIS and secondary GIS are resolved; partial effectiveness is defined as either primary GIS is improved; or primary GIS is resolved, but there were still unresolved secondary GIS. LOCF last observation carried forward

bExact 95% CI by Clopper and Pearson

c p value obtained from Exact test