Fig. 2.
Projection of live birth rate with both cleavage-stage transfer (the horizontal axis) and blastocyst transfer (the vertical axis) for all 1147 patients for whom all the required input parameters were available. Each point represents a unique patient. Patients who actually underwent a cleavage-stage transfer are labeled red, while patients who actually underwent a blastocyst transfer are labeled blue. Points to the right of the line y = x have a higher projected birth rate following cleavage-stage transfers, while points to the left of the line y = x have a higher projected birth rate following blastocyst transfers. The projected live birth rate following cleavage-stage transfer was computed using the model shown in Table 1A, while the projected live birth rate following blastocyst transfer was computed using the model shown in Table 1C, incorporating the projected fraction of good/fair and poor embryos on day 5 (Table 1D)