AP-LTD induction results in rapid changes in BDNF mRNA abundance. (A) Rat BDNF gene structure showing nine exons. In rodents BDNF transcripts containing exons I, II, IV and IX (blue arrows) are predominantly expressed. (B-E) Abundance of BDNF mRNAs at 15 min, 60 min and 180 min in CA1 region of hippocampus after induction of AP-LTD by antidromic stimulation (↑↑↑) in the presence of glutamatergic antagonists (dashed vertical bar). Abundance of BDNF transcripts containing exon I, exon II, exon IV and exon IX BDNF are expressed as percent of values from time-matched control, unstimulated slices and normalized to the housekeeping gene GAPDH. Data show means ± SEM (filled diamonds) and individual experiments data (open circles). *p < 0.05, t-test.