Table 1.
Summary of methods used to probe RNA secondary structure.
Method | Biases/Limitations | RNA specificity |
Mechanism of Method | Experimental Context |
Refs | |
Adducts | DMS | A,C specific | ssRNA | Alkalates the N-1 in A and the N- 3 in C |
in vivo and in vitro |
2, 3, 55, 64, 96, 99, 135, 136, 185, 194 |
Diethyl Pyrocarbonate |
A specific | ssRNA | Carboxylates N-7 in A | in vitro | 135, 136 | |
Hydrazine | U specific | ssRNA | Nucleophilic attack of U, removing the base |
in vitro | 135, 136 | |
NAI/NAI-N3 | No bias, labels ribose sugar |
ssRNA | Acylates 2’ hydroxyl of unpaired nucleotides |
in vivo and in vitro |
55, 119, 187 | |
Nucleases | RNase A | Cleaves after purines | ssRNA | Leaves 5’OH and 3’P | in vitro | 110, 173 |
RNase T1 | Preferrential cleavage after guanisines |
ssRNA | Leaves 5’OH and 3’P | in vitro | 110 | |
RNase U2 | Cleaves after pyrimidines |
ssRNA | Leaves 5’OH and 3’P | in vitro | 81, 179 | |
RNase V1 | None | dsRNA | Leaves 5’P and 3’OH | in vitro | 38, 108 | |
Nuclease P1 | None | ssRNA | Leaves 5’P and 3’OH | in vitro | 27, 84 | |
Nuclease S1 | None | ssRNA | Leaves 5’P and 3’OH | in vitro | 27, 84 | |
RNase I | None | ssRNA | Leaves 5’OH and 3’P | in vitro | 27, 84 | |
Other | NMR | None | N/A | Aligns molecules in a magnetic field |
in vitro | 9, 12, 63, 195 |
X-Ray Crystallography |
Must be crystallizable RNA, in vitro folding only |
N/A | Scatters X-rays in an interpretable pattern around an RNA crystal |
in vitro | 62, 79, 80, 147 | |
In silico algorithms | Difficult to predict in vivo folding |
N/A | mostly predicts based on free energy and conservation |
in silico | 50, 51, 115, 197 |
Three categories of methods are covered; chemical adducts (red), RNases (green), and other (blue).