Speed at which player is moving prior to injurious event19
Stationary |
No visible foot movement |
Slow |
Walking |
Moderate |
Jogging (non-purposeful slow running with low knee lift) |
Fast |
Running/sprinting (purposeful running with maximal effort, high knee lift |
Speed at which other involved player(s) are moving prior to injurious event19
Stationary |
No visible foot movement |
Slow |
Walking |
Moderate |
Jogging (non-purposeful slow running with low knee lift) |
Fast |
Running/sprinting (purposeful running with maximal effort, high knee lift |
Protective gear: concussed player12
Scrum cap |
Concussed player was wearing a scrum cap |
Mouthguard |
Concussed player was wearing a mouthguard |
Both |
Concussed player was wearing both a scrum cap and a mouthguard |
None |
Player was wearing neither a scrum cap nor a mouthguard |
Anticipated hit—whether the player was aware of impending contact situation12
Yes |
Concussed player was aware of/attuned to impending contact |
No |
Concussed player was unaware of/oblivious to impending contact |
On-field medical attention12
Yes |
Player received immediate on-field medical attention |
No |
Player did not receive immediate on-field medical attention |
Game status |
First day/stage game |
Game is a qualifier taking place on a day other than the final day |
Final day game |
Game is on the final day of the tournament |
Score at time of injury—from perspective of concussed player's team |
Winning |
Concussed player's team is winning the game |
Losing |
Concussed player's team is losing the game |
Tied game |
The game is tied at the time of injury |
Time played in current game, minute12
0–20 |
Player has been on the field playing for between 0 and 20 min |
20–40 |
Player has been on the field playing for between 20 and 40 min |
40–60 |
Player has been on the field playing for between 40 and 60 min |
60–80 |
Player has been on the field playing for between 60 and 80 min |