Fig. 4. Mean (±SEM) CSF Cys-DA as a function of DOPAC (A) and Cys-DA/DOPAC ratios as functions of putamen/occipital cortex (PUT/OCC) ratios (B) and of washout fractions of putamen 18F-DOPA-derived radioactivity (C).
Grouped data are shown for patients with MSA-P (blue), PD (red), PAF (green), and controls (gray). In the parkinsonian synucleinopathies elevated CSF Cys-DA/DOPAC ratios are associated with decreased PUT/OCC ratios and elevated 18F-DOPA washout fractions, in contrast with normal values in the non-parkinsonian synucleinopathy PAF. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)