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. 2016 Oct 4;93(6):984–996. doi: 10.1007/s11524-016-0083-4


Questions used in the Life Influences on Fetal Environments Study (2009–2011) to assess perceptions of the physical and social residential environment

Scale Scale measurement and items Alpha
Safety 5-point Likert: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree 0.90
1.Many people in your neighborhood are afraid to go outside at night.
2.There are areas of this neighborhood where everyone knows “trouble” is expected.
3.You’re taking a big chance if you walk in this neighborhood alone after dark.
4.I feel safe walking in my neighborhood.
5.Violence is a problem in my neighborhood.
6.I feel very safe from crime in my neighborhood.
Walkability 5-point Likert: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree 0.78
1.It is pleasant to walk in my neighborhood.
2.The trees in my neighborhood provide enough shade.
3.In my neighborhood, it is easy to walk to places.
4.I often see other people walking in my neighborhood.
5.I often see other people exercise in my neighborhood.
6.There are stores within walking distance of my home.
Healthy food availability 5-point Likert: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree 0.91
1.A large selection of fresh fruits and vegetables is available in my neighborhood.
2.A large selection of low fat products is available in my neighborhood.
Social disorder 3-point Likert: a big problem, somewhat of a problem, not a problem 0.93
1.How much of a problem is litter, broken glass, or trash on the sidewalks and streets?
2.How much of a problem is graffiti on buildings and walls?
3.How much of a problem are vacant or deserted houses or storefronts?
4.How much of a problem is drinking in public?
5.How much of a problem is people selling or using drugs?
6.How much of a problem are groups of teenagers or adults hanging out in the neighborhood and causing trouble?
7.How much of a problem is noise in the neighborhood?
8.How much of a problem is yelling or fighting?