The long term behavior of PS, GS, Efficient GS and GM. Starting from 2 founders we have formed a population of 150 (A) and 300 (B) genotypes with 1000 SNPs at 3 chromosomes each and carried this population through 200 generations of random mating and 100 generations of phenotypic selection based on a complex trait (300 QTL at random locations on each chromosome) with 0.5 heritability generated based on the infinitesimal model. Starting from this initial population, we have simulated 10 rounds of PS, and 20 rounds of GS and GM (assuming one cycle of PS and two cycles of GS and GM per year). For GS and GM, the marker effects were estimated from data once per year. The results of 10 replication of this simulation with selection intensity 10% (PS1, GS1) and 20% (PS2, GS2) for PS and GS; Efficient GS (GSeff); and GM with λ1 = 0, 5, 10 (GM1, GM2, GM3). Each thin line represents the genetic gains over cycles by different methods over a replication of the experiment. The thick lines show the mean improvement for each of the methods over 10 replications. In these simulation studies there is a clear advantage of using GM as a breeding method.