Figure 1. Quantitative evaluation of rice MAPKs transcript level and activation of OsMPK7 by X. oryzae.
(a) Transcript levels of MAPK genes were examined in 15 days old rice seedlings in response to X. oryzae, H2O2 and Salicylic acid (SA) treatment by Q-RT-PCR. Ubiquitin and actin gene was considered as internal control. The experiments were repeated three times with three technical replicates. (b) OsMPK7 phosphorylation was determined through immunological assay by immunoprecipitation of OsMPK7-GFP fusion protein using anti-GFP antibody from 50 D old rice leaves overexpressing OsMPK7 fusion protein. Immunoblotting was carried out using pTEpY antibody to detect phosphorylated MAPK TEY domain upon X. oryzae infection. Mock consists of empty pCAMBIA1302 vector infiltrated leaves. Input is immunoblot (IB) with anti-GFP antibody of crude protein extracts. Ponceau staining represents equal loading of immunoprecipitated (IP) samples.