Systemic citalopram injections increase Arc expression in 5-HT2C containing neurons of the BNSTov. A: Schematic of behavioral protocol. B: Quantification of Arc-expressing cells in the BNSTov following injection of citalopram (n=6) or saline (n=5) followed by fear conditioning, *P<0.001. C: Left, the dotted box shows the location of the BNST at 0.00 Bregma (left, Paxinos and Watson, 2009). Schematic of the principal anterior dorsal BNST subregions (right). ac: anterior commissure, ic: internal capsule, STMA: BNST medial-anterior, STLP: BNST lateral-posterior. All images and cell counts were taken from the shaded oval nucleus. D: Colocalization of Arc-expressing cells (green) and 5-HT2C receptor-expressing cells (red). Merging of the green and red channels reveals overlap: 74.3 ± 4.3% of Arc-positive cells expressed 5-HT2C receptors. E: Animals receiving saline injections have few Arc-expressing cells, but many 5-HT2C receptor-expressing cells (red) and little overlap.