Figure 2.
Results with the overall sample (N=302).
Note. Dashed lines indicate non-significant paths and bold lines indicate significant paths. Time 1 acculturation components were treated as latent variables, each consisting of three parcels. Time 2 perceived drinking risk and social disapproval of drinking were treated as latent variables, each consisting of two and four items, respectively. Time 4 Past-90-Day Drinking was treated as an observed categorical outcome variable. We controlled for age, gender, and years in the U.S. in all the structural paths. We controlled for Time 1 perceived drinking risk and Time 1 social disapproval of drinking in the associations of Time 1 acculturation components with Time 2 perceived drinking risk and social disapproval of drinking. We controlled for past-90-day drinking at Time 3 in the association of intention with past-90-day drinking at Time 4.