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. 2016 Nov 7;113(47):E7399–E7408. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1614688113

Table S1.

Data collection and refinement statistics for BEST1TripleA

Data collection
 Space group P21
 Wavelength, Å 1.033
 Cell dimensions, Å
  a 98.24
  b 243.88
  c 172.05
 α = ɣ = 90°, β =, o 93.84
 Resolution, Å 38–3.1 (3.15–3.10)
Rmerge 0.25 (1.9)
Rpim 0.086 (0.646)
 CC1/2 in outer shell 0.604
I/σI 9.7 (1.2)
 Completeness, % 99.9 (99.9)
 Redundancy 9.5 (9.7)
 Resolution, Å 38–3.1
 No. of reflections 145,877
 No. atoms 30,705
 Ions 25
 Water 10
Rwork 0.218 (0.334)
Rfree 0.242 (0.358)
 Average B factors, Å2 101.2
  Protein 101.3
  Ions 90.1
  Water 72.82
 Ramachandran, %
  Favored 95
  Outliers 0.4
 Rms deviations
  Bond lengths, Å 0.004
  Bond angles, Å 0.95
 Rotamer outliers, % 1.6
 Clash score 7.6

Data collection statistics are taken from HKL3000 (39), refinement statistics are from PHENIX (43), and CC1/2 is defined in ref. 40. Numbers in parentheses indicate the highest resolution shells and their statistics. The 5% of reflections used for calculation of Rfree were derived from the search model PDB ID code 4RDQ.