Fig. 5.
Before initiation of angiogenesis in the pituitary gland, integrin β1-dependent transcriptome encodes ECM and associated factors critical for angiogenesis. (A) Midsagittal sections of e12.5 Itgb1f/f and Itgb1f/f; Pitx1-cre pituitaries immunostained with integrin β1 and CD31 1 d before initiation of angiogenesis. (Scale bar: 62.5 μm.) (B) RNA-seq analysis of pituitaries dissected from Itgb1f/f and Itgb1f/f; Pitx1-cre embryos at e12.5 identified 496 down-regulated and 642 up-regulated genes. Gene ontology analysis revealed significant changes in categories of genes encoding intrinsic and extrinsic factors. (C) Heat maps with identity of genes that encode ECM and related proteins. (D) Model for function of pituitary gland epithelial cell integrin β1 in developmental angiogenesis.