Fig. 3.
Shown are hierarchical clustering of logtwofold changes of TE centroids differentially expressed in at least one high-CO2 phenotype treatment (A), the distribution of TE copies within different genomic elements (B), and the distribution of TE centroids and their corresponding genome copies (C). (A) Hierarchical clustering of log-twofold changes of differentially expressed TE centroids in at least one high-CO2 phenotype treatment (SI Materials and Methods) resulting in two well-defined clusters with one representing TE centroids with increased average log-twofold changes in the high-CO2 phenotype (blue) treatments relative to the 380-selected and vice versa for the “decreased” cluster (red). Bolded/asterisked labels indicate differentially expressed TE clusters in all high-CO2 phenotype treatments vs. the 380-selected treatment. (B) Pie chart of the distribution of all detected TE copies in the genome. (C) A genome plot of TE centroids and their corresponding copies as well as all detected TE copies in the genome. Going from outside to inside: Track 1 shows TE copies in the genome on the forward strand and is colored according to genomic element. Track 2 is the same, but on the minus strand. Track 3 contains the names and symbols for differentially expressed TE centroids in A relative to the 380-selected treatment. Track 4 shows the distribution of the corresponding copies of differentially expressed TE centroids in track 3 via blue and red colored links. Underlying gray links represent paralogous copies from TE clusters showing no change in expression.