Fig. 2.
Effect of varying the PEG MW on BSA release from chain-growth-polymerized hydrogels (A–C) and step-growth-polymerized hydrogels (D–F). All chain-growth-polymerized hydrogels are 10% (w/v) PEGDA of MW 2 kDa (black), 4 kDa (dark grey), or 5 kDa (light grey). All step-growth-polymerized hydrogels are 10% (w/v) 8-arm PEG of MW 2.5 kDa (black) or 4 kDa (grey). (A, D) Effect of varying the PEG MW on the BSA release efficiency (Mt/MLoad × 100%). (B, E) Effect of varying the PEG MW on fractional BSA release (Mt/M∞). (C, F) Effect of varying the PEG MWon BSA diffusivity. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 4). *p < 0.05 compared to the lowest-MW groups