Figure 1. Multi-dimensional visualization of epidermal TJs and TJ-bearing cells in mouse-ear skin.
(A) 3D structure of the epidermis. (B) En face image of ZO-1-positive honeycomb in mouse-ear epidermis showing double-edged polygons (*) and single-edged polygons (#). (C) Regularity in the size of the ZO-1-positive polygons represented in (B) and Figure 1—figure supplement 1, shown by the mean ± SEM [error bars] (one-way ANOVA multiple comparison test). (D) 3D image of a ZO-1-positive double-edged polygon in en face view (top) and 90°-rotated side view of the yellow-dotted rectangle (bottom). Upper exterior polygon, yellow arrowheads; lower interior polygon, white arrows. See Video 1. (E) Regularity of relative Z-axis position. Boxplots show the median, minimum, maximum, and interquartile range (one-way ANOVA multiple comparison test) for the ZO-1-positive polygons represented in Figure 1—figure supplement 2. (F) In vivo live images of Venus in the ear of ZO-1-Venus mice (left column) and their schematics (right column). Yellow arrowheads and green edges, edges of a Venus-positive polygon; white arrows and purple edges, edges of a newly appearing Venus-positive polygon; black arrows, Venus-positive edges connecting each vertex of the two polygons. See Video 4. Scale bars, 10 µm. TJ, tight junction; SC, stratum corneum.