Fig 3. Co-localisation of cell death and lineage markers.
TUNEL and CCasp-3 (red), oligodendrocyte cell lineage marker (Olig-2, green), neuronal cell linage marker (NeuN, green), nuclear stain (DAPI, blue). In the (A) periventricular white matter, (B) dorsoparietal cortex layer 1/2, (C) thalamus, (D) sensoriomotor cortex layer 3/4, (E) external capsule. Cells expressing TUNEL and either Olig-2 or NeuN are indicated with white arrows in the overlay panel (A and B), and those not co-labelling (due to loss of cell specific markers induced by the stage of death or alternate cell type) are indicated with a pink arrow (B, C, D). Scale bar in (A-B) is 50μm and in (C-E) is 25μm.