Figure 3.
Avirulence activity of XopQ is restricted to Nicotiana species. Eighty-six different non-host Solanaceae plant lines (for abbreviations see Table S2) were inoculated with Xcv strains 85-10 and Xcv 85-10ΔxopQ, harboring empty vector (ev) or pBRM:xopQ (pxopQ), at OD600 = 0.4; reactions were scored for 6 days. Five plants per line with two leaves per plant were inoculated resulting in 10 spots per analyzed Xcv strain. Plant reactions are indicated according to the following color code: red, fast cell death (3 dpi); orange, cell death (6 dpi); yellow, chlorosis (6 dpi); orange/yellow striped, chlorosis or cell death (6 dpi); green, water-soaked lesions (6 dpi); white, no visible reaction (6 dpi). Colors were assigned if the same type of reaction was observed on ≥7/10 spots, reactions on only 4-6/10 spots were judged inconsistent, indicated in gray. Plant phenotypes 8 dpi of Agrobacterium mediating xopQ expression are indicated on the right-hand side of each column.