Buffering Cytoplasmic Ca2+ Does Not Impair Agonist-Evoked NFAT4 Nuclear Migration
(A) Cartoons summarize the two possible models for increasing nuclear Ca2+ following cysLT1 receptor activation (see text for details).
(B) Images show NFAT4-GFP nuclear migration for the different conditions indicated.
(C) Graphs summarize aggregate data from between 7 and 9 cells for each condition. Colors of graphs correspond to labels in (B). Time denotes time after stimulation.
(D) Cytoplasmic Ca2+ signals, measured with C-GCaMP3, following thapsigargin stimulation are shown for a control cell and one expressing PV-NES.
(E) Histogram compares rate of rise of the cytoplasmic Ca2+ signal following Ca2+ readdition to thapsigargin-treated cells, as in (D). Bars are averages of 19 (control) and 11 (PV-NES) cells.
(F) Cytoplasmic Ca2+ oscillations to 160 nM LTC4 are shown for the conditions indicated. Untagged PV constructs were used here.
(G) Number of oscillations per 200 s bin after stimulation are compared. Each point is the mean of 10–21 cells.
(H) Peak amplitude of each oscillation is compared between the different conditions. Peak amplitude represents (F/F0) − 1.
(I–M) As in (D)–(H), but now nuclear Ca2+ was measured instead, using N-GCaMP3. In (J), control is mean from 22 cells and PV-NES from 19 cells. In (L), each point is the mean of between 11 and 26 cells. For most graphs, error bars are contained within the symbols. For the graphs and histograms, data are represented as mean ± SEM. See also Figures S1 and S2.