Fig. 4.
Whole genome alignment of C. cayetanensis apicoplast with 12 genomes from apicomplexan genera: Babesia, Eimeria, Leucocytozoon, Neospora, Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Theileria and Sarcocystis. Whole genome alignment of (Track Cc-Ref) C. cayetanensis apicoplast reference genome with 12 assemblies from apicomplexans of the order Aconoidasida: (B.bovis) Babesia bovis; (B.micro) B.microti; (B.orien) B. orientalis Wuhan; (L. caull) Leucocytozoon caulleyi; (P.chaub) Plasmodium chaubaudi chaubaudi; (P.falci) P. falciparum HB3; (T.parva) Theileria parva and the order Conoidasida: (E.tenel) E. tenella; (Cc-HEN01) C. cayatenensis HEN01; (T.gondi) T.gondii; (S.neuro) S. neurona; and (N.canin) N. caninum. The GC content of the apicoplast genome from each species is displayed at the end of respective track. In addition, the apicoplast assemblies revealed re-arrangements in some species. Nucleotide divergence between members of Aconoidasida and Conoidasida is illustrated here