Figure 9.
Sensitivity of model results for the protective effect of collapse (A), vein water potential (B), and ΨL (C) to various parameters. Black, Baseline model with vascular resistance partitioned equally between major and minor veins. Blue, Using the lower 2015 capacitance curve shortens the duration of the plateau in conductance in B. Red, Lowering the residual conductance of the minor veins to 1% extends the plateau in the fall in conductance in A, greatly increasing the buffering of vein potential (Ψv) in B but at the cost of a catastrophic fall in ΨL (C). Increasing the proportion of total vascular resistance assigned to the minor veins from the 50% baseline to 75% (magenta) and 99% (green) shows a pattern of diminishing returns with respect to protective benefits (A) and ΨL costs (C).