Fig. 5.
Tcf7l2 expression in conjunctival epithelium in adult mouse. Tcf7l2 immunostaining of frozen conjunctival sections. Tcf7l2 was visualized in green in all of the pictures (n = 16 in 3 independent experiments). A: Tcf7l2 expression in frozen conjunctival sections is shown in 8 locations, as described in the experimental procedures. Nuclei in the merge images were visualized with PI (red). B: double staining of Tcf7l2 and p63α, PCNA, or CK13. All of the antibodies, except Tcf7l2, are shown in red. C: colocalization rate of Tcf7l2 and p63α, PCNA, or CK13. Scale bars, 20 μm.