(A) Three views of the localization probability density map corresponding to the
Nup82 holo-complex ensemble are shown (light gray), with a single representative
ribbon structure embedded; the proteins, subunits, and different structural
features of the complex are indicated. Subunit assignment is indicated with a
superscript “s1” (subunit 1) or “s2” (subunit 2). In
all views the components of each subunit are colored in tones of red (subunit 1)
or blue (subunit 2) (see also panel B).
(B) Exploded view of the Nup82 holo-complex subunits and protein components, with
the whole complex shown in the center and the two subunits and the different
components shown on the right (subunit 1, colored in red tones) or the left side
(subunit 2, colored in blue tones). CCS indicates “Coiled Coil
Segment” as described in the main text. See also Figures S1, S2, S3 and Tables S1 and S2.