(A) Schematic indicating stimulation of a central necklace glomerulus (NG) and ROIs (squares) taken from the neighboring canonical glomerulus (nCG, blue) and neighboring necklace glomerulus (nNG, green), and their respective EPL areas. ONL, olfactory nerve layer; GL, glomerular layer; EPL, external plexiform layer; MCL, mitral cell layer; IPL, internal plexiform layer; GrL, granule cell layer; PG, periglomerular cell; SA, short axon cell; ET, external tufted cell; MC, mitral cell; GC, granule cell. (B) Normalized signal peak from nNG (white) and nCG (gray), following individual necklace glomeruli stimulation. (C) Normalized mean signal peak from the EPL below the nNG and nCG.