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. 2016 Nov 23;92(4):916–928. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.09.032

Figure 4.

Figure 4

High-Frequency Local Field Potentials at the Trough of Spindle Oscillations Recorded Juxtacellularly around Identified FS Interneurons Are Variable

(A) Average wavelet spectra constructed from spindle troughs (timed at 0 ms) during which juxtacellular spikes were absent in functional subgroups of FS cells. Both ripple band and high-gamma activity emerge around spindle troughs in recordings juxtacellular to spindle ripple cells, but activity predominantly in the high-gamma range is characteristic of recordings juxtacellular to other functional subgroups of FS cells (spindle high-gamma, simple spindle, and spindle descending-phase cells).

(B and C) Consecutive individual traces filtered 80–140 Hz (B) and 180–250 Hz (C) aligned according to spindle troughs (0 ms). Colored traces show all spindle troughs without spikes available from a representative cell from each FS interneuron subgroup (same cell for B and C); averages of subgroups are shown in white. Oscillations in the high-gamma range appear in all FS subgroups, and the trough of high-gamma oscillations coincides with the spindle trough. Ripple oscillations are predominant in spindle ripple cells and the peak of ripple oscillations is at the trough of spindles.

(D and E) Foreground: FS cell subgroup-dependent correlation between the firing (burgundy, orange, red, and blue; kernel-smoothed firing frequency distributions bandpass filtered at 80–140 Hz, D, and 180–250 Hz, E) and local field activity (black; z-scored averages shown in B and C) recorded juxtacellularly to FS interneurons (r, Pearson correlation coefficients). Background: average firing frequency distribution histograms of FS cell subgroups. Using the common time reference of spindle troughs, spikes were correlated with the oscillations shown in (A) and (B) recorded during spindle cycles without firing.