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. 2016 Dec 1;6:38246. doi: 10.1038/srep38246

Figure 2. Neurexin expression in mushroom body neurons is essential for nighttime sleep.

Figure 2

(A) Total nighttime sleep in flies with rescued neurexin expression using anatomically restricted GAL4 drivers. All rescue experiments were performed in the nrx273/Δ83 background; flies carry one copy of the indicated drivers (n = 32). (B,C) Average sleep profiles for rescued and control flies, with curves plotted as 30 min moving averages (B); quantification of total nighttime sleep in rescued and control flies (C); n = 61. (D,E) Average sleep profiles for MB247-GAL4/UAS-nrxRNAi and control flies, plotted as a 30 min moving average (D), and quantification of total nighttime sleep for each genotype (E); n = 32. (F) Cumulative sleep lost during 12 h of sleep deprivation and regained during subsequent recovery for 24 h in c739-GAL4/+;UAS-nrxRNAi/+ flies and control flies (n = 16). (G) Model of the fly MB illustrating the different subsets of intrinsic Kenyon cells (KCs) within the lobes. Purple, αβ lobes; orange, α′β′ lobes; blue, γ lobes. (H) Total nighttime sleep in flies with depleted neurexin. Each GAL4 expression pattern is summarized at the top. A single copy of the driver was used for each GAL4 line (n = 32).