Table 1. The in silico unfolding propensities agree with the propensities derived from the experimental free energies for 16 protein structures.
Protein | PDB | Fit Score | %Matching | %Mismatching | Mutations |
T4 Lysozyme | 2LZM | 0.156 | 78.6 | 21.4 | 84 |
Tyrosine-Protein Kinase | 1FMK | 0.241 | 71.4 | 28.6 | 49 |
Barnase | 1BNI | 0.245 | 72.7 | 27.3 | 140 |
Staphylococcal Nuclease | 1STN | 0.186 | 74.9 | 25.1 | 521 |
Protein L | 1HZ6 | 0.152 | 75.4 | 24.6 | 57 |
Ribonuclease T1 Isozyme | 1RN1 | 0.200 | 68.4 | 31.6 | 38 |
Gene V Protein | 1VQB | 0.254 | 69.6 | 30.4 | 92 |
Chymotrypsin Inhibitor 2 | 2CI2 | 0.157 | 78.2 | 21.8 | 78 |
Acyl-Coenzyme A | 2ABD | 0.199 | 83.9 | 16.1 | 31 |
Acylphosphatase | 1APS | 0.168 | 85.7 | 14.3 | 21 |
Alpha Spectrin | 1AJ3 | 0.195 | 66.7 | 33.3 | 63 |
Dihydrofolate Reductase | 1RX4 | 0.194 | 80.7 | 19.3 | 57 |
Ribosomal Protein S6 | 1RIS | 0.094 | 100 | 0 | 16 |
Tryptophan Synthase | 1WQ5 | 0.347 | 76.3 | 23.7 | 38 |
ARC Repressor | 1ARR | 0.230 | 70.1 | 29.9 | 77 |
Azurin | 5AZU | 0.085 | 93.1 | 6.9 | 29 |
Total | 1,391 |
The unfolding propensities were calculated from the experimental ΔΔG values reported in the ProTherm database61. The percent matching values were calculated from the match matrices in Supplementary Material Table S1. The fit score was then calculated from the raw unfolding data. The fit score ranges from 0–1, with 1 being the worst fit and 0 being a perfect fit. The number of mutations for each analyzed protein was recorded in the last row to determine the total number of mutations compared.