Figure 1. Disruption of PABA biosynthesis leads to growth defects in M. tuberculosis.
(a) Schematic of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis and PAS activation in M. tuberculosis and enzymatic targets of antifolate drugs as described by Minato et al.8. (b,c) The growth of indicated strains was assessed in PABA free 7H9 supplemented medium. Growth was determined by OD600 measurements taken every 2 days over a 10 day period. Growth curves were conducted in biological triplicate. Error bars denote standard deviation. (d,e) Exogenous PABA supplementation restores growth. The growth of indicated strains was assessed in PABA free 7H9 supplemented medium amended with 10 μg/ml PABA. Growth was determined by OD600 measurements taken every 2 days over a 10 day period. Growth curves were performed in biological triplicate. Error bars denote standard deviation.