Fig. 2.
Significant contribution of CCR6+ TCM to the pool of HIV DNA reservoir.
ART, antiretroviral therapy; TCM, central memory T cell; TEM/TM, effector T cell. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell from HIV+ on ART individuals and uninfected controls (HIV−) were stained with a cocktail of CD3, CD4, CD45RA, CCR6, and CCR7 Abs. Shown are (a) the gating strategy for the identification of CCR6+ and CCR6− T cells with TCM (CD45RA−CCR7+) and TEM/TM (CD45RA−CCR7−) cells and (b) the frequency of these subsets in HIV− (n = 13) versus HIV+ on ART (n = 20) individuals. Further, CCR6+ and CCR6− T cells with TCM and TEM/TM phenotypes were sorted by flow cytometry from HIV+ on ART individuals and integrated HIV DNA levels were quantified. Shown are (c) the cell purity after sort and (d and e) levels of integrated HIV DNA in subsets isolated from n = 5 HIV+ on ART individual (mean ± SEM). (f) The relative contribution of CCR6+/CCR6− TCM and TEM/TM to the pool of integrated HIV DNA within total memory T cells was calculated considering the frequency of each subset as following: [relative pool of HIV-infected cells per subset (HIV DNA copies per 10e6 cells for each subset × subset frequency/100)/pool of HIV-infected cells per total memory T cells (sum of the relative pool of HIV-infected cells in all four subsets) × 100]. Indicated in the graphs are Mann–Whitney (b) and Friedman and Dunn's multiple comparison test P values (∗, P < 0.05; ∗∗, P < 0.01; ∗∗∗, P < 0.001) (e and f).