Figure 4. Loss of PpSMF1 and the PpSCRM1 gene functions results in delayed dehiscence of spore capsules.
Box-whisker plots of the percentages of ruptured sporophyte capsules in the wild-type, ΔPpSMF1 and ΔPpSCRM1 lines over a developmental time series experiment ranging from second and seventh week after induction of fertilization. Vertical lines within boxes mark the median. The boxes indicate the upper (75 %) and lower (25 %) quartiles. Whiskers indicate the ranges of the minimal and maximal values. Inset photograph depicts an open/ruptured spore capsule in the Gransden wild-type strain. Significance of differences between mutants and the wild type was tested using a binomial model with a nested error term correcting for repeated measurements in the combined data set, and for each genetic background independently, with consistent results. Significant (P < 0.05) deviations from the wild type are indicated by asterisks.