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. 2016 May 6;5(6):469–479. doi: 10.1002/cpdd.256

Table 3.

Summary of M12 Plasma Pharmacokinetic Parameters

Geometric Mean (Geometric CV%)
Study/Group Group AUC0–∞, ng·h/mLa Cmax, ng/mLa Tmax, hb t1/2, h
Mild renal impairment Impaired, apremilast 30 mg (n = 8) 5424.52 (40.4) 224.66 (42.7) 5.0 (2.0–12.0) 14.51 (22.2)
Healthy matched, apremilast 30 mg (n = 8) 3973.1 (25.4) 155.9 (23.2) 6.0 (3.0–8.0) 13.24 (12.6)
Ratio (90%CI)c 129.6 (99.5–168.8) 130.8 (91.7–186.6) NC NC
Moderate renal impairment Impaired, apremilast 30 mg (n = 8) 7902 (23.0) 191.55 (33.7) 10.0 (4.0–12.1) 23.74 (50.4)
Healthy matched, apremilast 30 mg (n = 8) 4875.3 (21.0) 166.1 (39.7) 5.0 (2.0–24.0) 15.53 (28.8)
Ratio (90%CI)c 161.4 (122.8–212.3) 116.9 (81.9–166.8) NC NC
Severe renal impairment Impaired, apremilast 30 mg (n = 8) 15 042.9 (47.0) 276.3 (26.0) 12.0 (3.0–24.0) 29.7 (44.4)
Healthy matched, apremilast 30 mg (n = 7) 4820.0 (24.9) 198.4 (36.0) 4.0 (3.0–8.0) 17.2 (22.4)
Ratio (90%CI)c 291.7 (204.3–416.4) 142.9 (106.3–192.1) 6.25 (2.975–11.0) 10.498d (NC)

ANOVA, analysis of variance; AUC0–∞, area under the concentration‐versus‐time curve from time 0 to infinity; CI, confidence interval; Cmax, maximum observed plasma concentration; CV%, percent coefficient of variation; NC, not calculated; t½, elimination half‐life; Tmax, time to Cmax.


The ratio of geometric means (renal impaired/healthy matched) with its 90%CI was calculated from an ANOVA model based on the natural log‐transformed pharmacokinetic values. For the mild and moderate renal impairment study, the ANOVA model included group (mild and moderate), status (impaired and healthy), and group‐by‐status interaction as fixed effects and matched pair nested within group as a random effect. For the severe renal impairment study, the ANOVA model included status (impaired vs healthy) as a fixed effect and matched pair as a random effect.


The Tmax is summarized by median (range); statistical comparison based on the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Hodges‐Lehmann estimate with its 90%CI for the median difference (renal impaired/healthy matched).


The geometric mean ratio and 90%CI of the geometric mean ratio are presented as percentages.


The t1/2 statistical comparison displays geometric mean difference (severely renal impaired/healthy matched).