Experimentally determined PSFs for different k‐space sampling approaches for slice‐selective 2D–MRSI with a 14 × 14 matrix using a point source (i.e. inorganic phosphate solution) depicted as 2D maps (A‐C) and 1D plots (D‐F): A,D, full phase‐encoded k‐space sampling; B,E, elliptically phase‐encoded k‐space sampling; C,F, constant‐density spiral sampling with no spatial, but five temporal, interleaves. Constant‐density spirals featured a reduced number of side‐lobes in comparison with full phase encoding acquisition and provided smaller PSF than the elliptical encoding alternative (3.5 cm2 versus 4.9 cm2). All signal intensities are cut at 50% of the maximum signal intensity in the 2D maps to emphasize the FWHM. Note that all maps and plots are given in absolute values, i.e. all side‐lobes are depicted as positive