Figure 3. Analysis of induction frequencies in deletion mutants of genes with roles in lactic acid metabolism.
(A) Plating assay (see Materials and methods) measuring induction of [GAR+] at a low (left) or high concentration (right) of L-lactic acid. Strains are in the W303 background, and cell dilutions match those in Figure 1C. We note that annotations of DLD2 and DLD3 as D-lactate dehydrogenases have recently been challenged by data suggesting they are instead transhydrogenases (Becker-Kettern et al., 2016). Only DLD1 is required for yeast to grow on D-lactic acid as a sole carbon source. Plotted the same as in Figure 1C. B.) Plating assay measuring induction of [GAR+] by D-lactic acid. Otherwise as in (A).