Figure 7.
RSV treatment significantly restored cell mechanics and Ca2+ handling. (a) Representative examples of sarcomere shortening and corresponding Ca2+ transients (normalized traces: fold increase) recorded from CTR, D3 and D3_RSV ventricular myocytes, after three weeks of hyperglycemia; In bar graphs (b–i): mean values ± SEM of cardiomyocyte mechanical properties. FS: fraction of shortening (b); −dL/dtmax: maximal rate of shortening (c); Tpeak: duration of cell contraction (d); +dL/dtmax: maximal rate of relengthening (e); T-rel10%: time to 10% of relengthening (f); T-rel90%: time to 90% of relengthening (g); f/f0: Ca2+ transient amplitude expressed as peak fluorescence normalized to baseline fluorescence (h); and Tau: time constant of the intracellular Ca2+ decay (i). * p < 0.05: significant differences vs. CTR; § p < 0.05: significant differences between D3 and D3_RSV (one-way ANOVA, Games-Howell post-hoc test).